There are many good reasons to create a Feng Shui bedroom, first of all for your health and second to improve your love life. The bedroom is where many people will spend more time than any other room in their home, so creating a Feng Shui bedroom may improve your life more than changes made to any other room in your home.
Many of the tips you can find online regarding bedroom design will apply to creating a Feng Shui bedroom as well. One of the most important things to consider is creating room that is warm, inviting and comfortable. You need to get a good nights sleep every night if you want to have good health, if you don't sleep well all other aspects of your life will suffer.
Creating a Feng Shui bedroom will be different for each person, though many of the same principles will hold true for anyone. Because we cannot tell you how to design a bedroom for every individual, we will offer general tips on designing bedrooms for singles and couples.
First will will discuss general Feng Shui bedroom design, which is a good place to start for singles and couples, later we will provide tips specific to couples.
Please Note: Your own personal preferences should play a big part in any design, these Feng Shui bedroom tips are meant only as a general guide. If you need specific advice we ALWAYS recommend contacting a qualified Feng Shui consultant.
In Feng Shui the Master Bedroom is considered to be the most important room in a home, so please take your time in making any changes, think about them carefully and make sure you will be comfortable with the choices you make.
General Tips for Everyone
You should start with the tips above, which apply to everyone who wants to create a Feng Shui bedroom. After you have followed all the applicable tips listed above you may start applying some of the suggestions listed below. Remember clutter comes in many forms, so don't overdo it. Too many "cures' are unlikely to create the desired effect, they are more likely to have the opposite effect and make things even worse.
Tips for Couples/Lovers
To find more tips for creating a Feng Shui bedroom you may use the search form below to find books on this topic from, or visit your local library to find books on Feng Shui. Your library is likely to offer many good books to help you create the perfect Feng Shui bedroom. We also think you should consider contacting a reputable consultant.