On this page we list practical Feng Shui
kitchen tips you can use to increase wealth, improve health and
your life in general. This page is not a book, and does not go
into great detail on the subject of creating a Feng Shui
kitchen, it is simply a starting point offering practical tips
and information to help get you started.
Feng Shui Tip for the Kitchen and Entire Home
This tip is mostly likely mentioned in books written by every
Feng Shui expert you will ever read, it applies to your entire
home, but it is twice as important in the kitchen.
This may seem obvious, but let's face it, we all have a
tendency to put things off. We decide the dishes can wait until
after a show, or I will clean off the stove later. DO NOT wait
and do not put it off, keep your kitchen clean at all times.
This is not just good Feng Shui, it is good common sense, a
dirty kitchen is not a healthy place to prepare meals.
More Feng Shui Tips for the Kitchen
- The stove MUST be in good condition, make sure the entire
stove is working properly at all times, if not have it
repaired immediately. A stove that is in poor working
condition is bad Feng Shui and will have a negative effect on
your finances.
- Pay extra close attention to the stove when you clean your
kitchen, a dirty stove will lead to financial ruin.
- USE YOUR STOVE! Not using your stove is a symbol of
missed opportunities.
- Hanging a mirror on the wall behind your stove will double
your money luck (because you can see twice as many burners in
the mirror).
- Try to keep the water and fire elements separate in the
kitchen, if possible the stove and sink should be on opposite
sides of the room.
- Clutter is clutter, no matter where it is or in what form.
Hidden clutter is just as bad as what you can see, so clean
out the refrigerator, freezer, cabinets and pantry.
- Good Feng Shui colors for the kitchen are a mixture of
bright and neutral colors, though many experts suggest using
white in the kitchen. If you use white you should add
some bright colors to liven it up a bit, because in China
white is the color of death. The kitchen is the center of your
home, a lively and active place, so use colors and a design
that reflect that, just don't overdo it.
For more Feng Shui kitchen tips and information we suggest
finding a book at your local library. You should also consider the services
of a qualified Feng Shui Consultant, they can help you design a
kitchen that is attractive and meets your practical needs as