This page offers useful free Feng Shui tips and general Feng Shui information for the different rooms in your home including the bedroom, decorating, colors and more. We also offer some general Feng Shui tips and information that can be very helpful for beginners and professionals alike. We will list more free Feng Shui tips from our own personal experiences on this page in the future.
This page lists a few general and free Feng Shui tips you can begin using right away in your home, office or any other space, indoors or outdoors. Try one or more of these free Feng Shui tips today to begin improving the flow of Chi in your home or office.
Keep your home and/or office neat and clean, remove any unused items and anything that is cluttering up your living or working space such as stacks of newspapers, magazines, folders and paperwork.
Chi needs to flow naturally through your home or office, and cluttered spaces won't allow a natural flow of Chi. This is not to say you should clear out everything and create large empty spaces, that would cause Chi to flow too fast through these spaces.
Feng Shui is about balance, not extremes, so use your better judgment to make your home and office spaces more functional and pleasant. If you do this you will feel better, work better, live better and be well on your way to a happier and more successful life.
The bedroom is one of the most important rooms in your home and the Master Bedroom is considered the most important room. A bedrooms energy should be more Yin than Yang as Yang energy in the bedroom will keep you awake and/or cause restlessness. For general tips read below and for detailed tips please visit the Feng Shui Bedroom Tips page.
Bright colors and lights, electronic equipment and televisions are considered bad Feng Shui in the bedroom. Your bed should never be on the same wall as the door and the headboard should be placed firmly against the wall, but not under a window, beam or ceiling fan.
You should be able to see the door from your bed, having your back to the door is not only bad Feng Shui, but if you think about it for a minute, it just isn't a good idea.
DO NOT DO These Things in Bedrooms:
The living room is another very important room, and there are several reasons for this. One reason is the fact that it is generally the room that contains the front door to your home, thus Chi enters your home through this door.
How the Chi is directed and focused here can play a huge role in determining the Feng Shui balance in your home. Therefore the living room should be fairly open and not cluttered, kept clean at all times and be a warm and inviting place, which allow positive energy to flow through to the rest of your home.
We recommend the following Feng Shui items be used in the living room:
One of the most important things to remember about your kitchen also applied to your entire home, keep it CLEAN and neat. In Feng Shui the stove is considered to be one of the most important factors influencing your wealth. The stove should be in good working condition, burners that are not working, or working poorly are very bad Feng Shui and will directly impact your finances.
You should also be sure to KEEP YOUR STOVE CLEAN AT ALL TIMES. I cannot stress this enough, a dirty stove can cause financial ruin, so you should pay extra attention to your stove. Make sure it stays clean and in good working order at all times.
Want to improve your wealth?
More Practical Feng Shui Kitchen Tips.
Make sure your bathroom is extra clean and a pleasant place to be. Keep the drains closed or covered when they are not in use, your finances and luck will flow down drains that are left uncovered, so be sure to keep them closed. Bathrooms are known to cause negative energy in a home, while this energy cannot be totally eliminated, the effect can be muted by making your bathroom as clean and pleasant as possible.
Avoid placing objects in the bathroom to counter the effects of negative Chi, this will usually have the opposite effect making the problem even worse. Only use cures that are approved by a reputable Feng Shui consultant.
Feng Shui cures are a difficult subject, and their use should be kept to a minimum unless you understand what you are doing, and what you are trying to accomplish. Attempting Feng Shui cures without a clear understanding of what you are doing could make the problem worse, and if the situation is already bad it could go from just bad to disastrous.
We recommend trying small things to start until you know what you are trying to accomplish and have read up on the cure you are attempting to use. There are no quick cures in Feng Shui or life, so take your time and try to do it right the first time.
Now that you have been duly warned, here are a few things you can do without fear of causing more problems or aggravating existing problems, these are common cures that will help improve the Feng Shui of any home or office.